The Voice of a Man
A family is over the moon when they are born. The mothers feel proud and the fathers are happy. The relatives say "Oh! that's a blessing". And then the society seals their fate with the rotten tagline - BE A MAN . The irony is that this same society doesn't allow a man to BE A NORMAL MAN. Just like how pre-defined standards (read bu****it) are set for a woman, it's the same for a man. Don't Agree? Let's see. A man is weak if he cries. A man must go for a regular job to take care of the family. A man is not a man if he doesn't make his wife "know her place" in the house. Want me to go on? There is no escape for me from the shackles of the expectations that society sets for them right from their birth. It's funny how there are no stories written about fathers who struggle to raise their kids after the mother deserts them, a man who got sexually abused by a woman is never on the news, a depressed man? Hush! Hush! We have heard about women b...