Being Woman 👩

Being women is being blessed, being able to understand the complexity of situations and being able to respond and not always react; it’s like you are gifted with such tenure because even if You are impulsive over the time you learn to respond and stop reacting because that’s the way to deal with life and women excel in dealing with life in every aspect and every challenge put upon them; Being a women, you have such strong instincts, the power to sense the facts and the ability to Forego; for you know the web of lies are laid to trap you so you let the other Person feel they succeed in trapping you but inside you know you aren’t and that kind of strength only a women can have; Being women is being privileged, you have the privilege of taking your generation forward by giving birth to new offsprings; she sustains all the harmonal changes, the pregnancy, the prenatal and postpartum depression and stand strong with a smile overcoming everything she goes through and giving everything mother...